Hi, my name is

Natalie Tarn

I'm a junior at Duke University and a software engineer with a passion for AI/ML and the planet.

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About Me

I am a learner who grows in challenging work environments. I chose computer science and biology as my majors to help people and the planet, whether it's digitalizing the collection of bird population data or identifying energy infrastructures through computer vision. Here are a few technologies I’ve worked with:


Proficient in Java | Python
Familiar with C | R | HTML | CSS | Javascript | C++ | MIPS


Intellij IDEA | Eclipse | bash | git | RStudio | Android Studio | Jupyter Notebook | AWS API Gateway

Full Stack @ AiCure

  • Built AWS API gateway integration testing framework for microservices ranging from medication notification service to the orchestration service
  • Developed product features spanning from the database to the UI
  • Implemented e2e UI automation testing framework

CodaLab Competition: Sarcasm Detection

  • Implemented word, sentence-level embeddings, and attention LSTM models, ELMo embeddings with different classifiers using Python (keras, tensorflow) to detect sarcasm in tweets and Reddit posts
  • Obtained 8th place with a f1 score of 0.756
  • Published paper at the FigLang 2020 which includes literature about different word embeddings, transformers (BERT, ELMo), and additional classifiers that further improved performance

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Intern

Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
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Homework Helper

Website that generates study guides from notes
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Company Footprint

Android app that shows environmental impacts of products' corporations
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Get In Touch

I'm currently looking for summer internships for 2021 in data science and SWE. I'm also always open to conversation and feedback. The best way to contact me is through email, using the contact icons at the bottom. If just want to say hi, feel free to leave a comment!

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